- [email protected]
- +353 894474260
And who is better in speech than one who invites to Allah and does righteousness and says, “Indeed, I am of the Muslims.”
Sura Fuşşilat -33
Any Muslim living in Ireland may become a member of the organisation through abiding by following rules—
a. Agree with the objective and rules of PMI
b. Play an active role to materialize the programme of PMI
c. Pay regular donation
An associate member may become a (Full) member fulfilling the following–
a. To be dedicated to the activities of PMI
b. To obey the Islamic rules based on Quran and Sunnah
c. To be loyal to the organisational discipline
d. His/her application for the membership to be allowed by the executive committee
The central president of this organisation shall be elected through secret ballot for two years from the newly elected members by executive committee in the central member conference. However a person cannot hold the position for two consecutive sessions.
Central executive committee is elected for two years in the conference of central member’s council. It’s responsibility is to make rules, formulate working plan, approve budget, devise annual plan and provide assistance and suggestion to the central president.
Core belief (Iman) of the organization (Akidah) is, “there is no God but Allah, and Muhammad (SW) is His rasul (prophet).
To formulate policy, make decision and set rules Peace Mission Ireland always
a. Comply with guide of Quran and Sunnah and obey Islamic teaching
b. Remain loyal to the rules and regulations of Ireland and Europe where required
The objectives of the PMI are to:
a. Achieving Allah’s contentment through His worship and working for the humanity.
b. Bring social, ethical and spiritual purity through Islamic Akidah and values.
c. For the welfare of everyone to inspire, involve and provide assistance to the member of the society or community